Selected Presentations

  1. Shang, W. Moving Between Scales: Computationally Modelling Social Dynamics in the Elite Society of Premodern China. Doctoral Colloquium, 86th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T 2023), London, UK. October 27–31, 2023.
  2. Shang, W. 尚闻一. Renwen yanjiu zhong de jisuan moxing: Dong Jin guizu shehui wangluo ji qita anli 人文研究中的计算模型:东晋贵族社会网络及其他案例 [Computational Models in Humanities Research: The Eastern Jin Aristocratic Social Network and Other Cases]. Invited talk, Shuzi renwen guoji lianhe shuqi gongzuofang’ 2023 数字人文国际联合暑期工作坊’ 2023 [International Joint Summer Workshop on Digital Humanities’ 2023], Peking University, Beijing, China (online). August 9, 2023.
  3. Shang, W. A Research Framework of Book Size Modeling Based on Digital Library Metadata. The Tools of the Trade: The Way Forward, an International Conference on Digital Tools and Methods in East Asian Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. March 14–16, 2023.
  4. Shang, W. Centrality and Triadic Balance: What Can Microlevel Measures Tell Us in a Historical Network? The Tools of the Trade: The Way Forward, an International Conference on Digital Tools and Methods in East Asian Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. March 14–16, 2023.
  5. Shang, W. 尚闻一 & Sang, Z. 桑梓洲. Tuanliu zhong de wentai: Dong Jin menfa guizu de shehui wangluo 湍流中的稳态:东晋门阀贵族的社会网络. Solidity in a Turbulent Flow: The Social Network of Aristocratic Families in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. “Shenglü·wangluo·weilai”: di san jie Qinghua Daxue shuzi renwen guoji luntan “声律·网络·未来”:第三届清华大学数字人文国际论坛 [“Prosody·Network·Future”: The 3rd Tsinghua International Forum on Digital Humanities], Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. November 12–13, 2022.
  6. Underwood, T., Shang, W., Hu, Y., Kiley, K., Vaisey, S., LeBlanc, Z., Diesner, J., Layne-Worthey, G., Downie, J. S., Bishop, D., & Senatorova, E. Reception and Cultural Change. Invited talk, Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia (online). September 26, 2022.
  7. Shang, W., Cordell, R., & Downie, J. S. Computationally Modeling Publication Format in HathiTrust Books, 1500–1799. DH+BH: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Digital Humanities and Book History (online). September 22–24, 2022.
  8. Shang, W. & Underwood, T. Disentangling Forms from Styles in English Poetry: A Classification Experiment. Digital Humanities Fair 2022, University of California, Berkeley, CA (online). May 3, 2022.
  9. Shang, W. Computational Modeling of Humanities Data: Cases of English Literature and Chinese History. Invited talk, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN. April 28, 2022.
  10. Shang, W. The Aristocratic Social Network in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317–420 C.E.). Historical Network Research in Chinese Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (online). July 23–31, 2021.
  11. Shang, W. 尚闻一. Jiyu shuzihua fangfa de Zhongguo gudai shi fenqi zai tantao—zhong wan Tang keju jilu de anli yanjiu 基于数字化方法的中国古代史分期再探讨——中晚唐科举记录的案例研究 [Rediscussing Premodern Chinese Historical Periodization Based on Digital Methods: A Case Study of Civil Service Examination Records in the Mid-to-Late Tang Dynasty]. Shuzi renwen chuang kan yishi ji Beijing shuzi renwen guoji gongzuofang 《数字人文》创刊仪式暨北京数字人文国际工作坊 [The Launching Ceremony of Journal of Digital Humanities and International Workshop (Beijing)], Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. December 14–15, 2019.
  12. Underwood, T. & Shang, W. What Can We Do with Book Reviews? NovelTM Workshop 2019, Banff, Canada. October 17–18, 2019.