
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Shang, W. & Underwood, T. (2024). Disentangling Semantic and Prosodic Features of English Poetry. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, fqae008.
  2. Shang, W., Jett, J., Underwood, T., & Downie, J. S. (2023). Descriptive Cataloging Issues for Non-Western Corpora: A Case Study of Late Imperial Chinese Books. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 61(1), 1–19.
  3. Shang, W. & Underwood, T. (2023). Civil Service Examination Records and Political Independence in the Autonomous Northeastern Region During the Second Half of the Tang Dynasty (755–907 C.E.). International Journal of Digital Humanities, 4(1–3), 41–59.
  4. Shang, W. & Huang, W. (2022). Rediscussing the Political Struggle in the Light of Reform in Late 11th Century China under the View of Digital Humanities. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 16(2).
  5. Underwood, T., Kiley, K., Shang, W., & Vaisey, S. (2022). Cohort Succession Explains Most Change in Literary Culture. Sociological Science, 9, 184–205.
  6. Shang, W. & Sang, Z. (2021). Solidity in a Turbulent Flow: The Social Network of Aristocratic Families in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317–420 C.E.). Journal of Historical Network Research, 5(1), 1–32.
    Chinese translation: Shang, W. 尚闻一 & Sang, Z. 桑梓洲 (2022). Tuanliu zhong de wentai: Dong Jin menfa guizu de shehui wangluo 湍流中的稳态:东晋门阀贵族的社会网络. Shuzi renwen 数字人文 [Journal of Digital Humanities], (4), 36–57.
  7. Shang, W. 尚闻一 & Liang, X. 梁兴堃. (2020). “Zhen Ji zhijian, zi wei yi Qin”: zhong wan Tang Hebei fanzhen renyuan wailiu de lianghua fenxi “镇冀之间,自为一秦”:中晚唐河北藩镇人员外流的量化分析 [“An Independent Country Formed Between Zhen and Ji”: A Quantitative Analysis of the Migration of People out of Hebei Region in the Mid-to-Late Tang Dynasty]. Shuzi renwen 数字人文 [Journal of Digital Humanities], (4), 151–184.
  8. Shang, W. 尚闻一 & Che, S. 车尚锟. (2019). Qunti jihua haishi xieshang tiaohe?—Weijibaike “Islamophobia” citiao shizheng yanjiu 群体极化还是协商调和?——维基百科“Islamophobia”词条实证研究 [Group Polarization or Collaboration: A Case Study of the Article “Islamophobia” on Wikipedia]. Tushuguan luntan 图书馆论坛 [Library Tribune], (9), 71–81.
  9. Shang, W. 尚闻一 & Yu, Z. 于子轩. (2019). Dong Jin guizuzhi shehui de wending jizhi—Shishuo xinyu gongci fenxi 东晋贵族制社会的稳定机制——《世说新语》共词分析 [The Stablity Mechanism of the Aristocratic Society in the Eastern Jin Dynasty: A Co-Word Analysis of A New Account of the Tales of the World]. Tushuguan luntan 图书馆论坛 [Library Tribune], (1), 46–57.
  10. Shang, W. & Huang, W. (2018). Investigating the Relationships between Scholars and Politicians in Ancient China: Taking the Yuanyou Era as an Example. Journal of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities, 3(1), 33–48.
  11. Xu, H. 许欢 & Shang, W. 尚闻一. (2017). Meiguo, Ouzhou, Riben, Zhongguo shuzi suyang peiyang moshi fazhan shuping 美国、欧洲、日本、中国数字素养培养模式发展述评 [A Commentary on the Development of Digital Literacy Cultivation Models in the USA, Europe, Japan and China]. Tushu qingbao gongzuo 图书情报工作 [Library and Information Service], 61(16), 98–106.
  12. Shang, W. 尚闻一 & Yang, Z. 杨子傲. (2017). Jiyu zhishi shequn shijiao de wangluo baikequanshu citiao zhiliang yanjiu—Yi Wikipedia he Baidu Baike lishi lei citiao wei li (shang) 基于知识社群视角的网络百科全书词条质量研究——以 Wikipedia 和百度百科历史类词条为例(上) [Research on the Entries Quality of Online Encyclopedia Based on Knowledge Community Perspective: A Case Study on Historical Entries of Wikipedia and Baidu Baike (Part I)]. Xinxi yu guanli yanjiu 信息与管理研究 [Journal of Information and Management], 1(2), 28–42.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

  1. Shang, W., Chen, S., Chen, Y., & Diesner, J. (2023). Structural Characteristics in Historical Networks Reveal Changes in Political Culture: An Example From Northern Song China (960–1127 C.E.). In Proceedings of the Computational Humanities Research Conference 2023 (CHR 2023) (pp. 263–273).
  2. Shang, W. (2023). Moving Between Scales: Computationally Modelling Social Dynamics in the Elite Society of Premodern China. In Proceedings of the Association for Library and Information Science Education Annual Conference (ALISE 2023).
  3. Lavin, M., Walsh, M., Antoniak, M., Hu, Y., Underwood, T., Bishop, D., Senatorova, L., & Shang, W. (2023). Reception History in Many Dimensions: New Research on Book Reviews. In The Book of Abstracts of Digital Humanities Conference 2023 (DH 2023) (pp. 461–463).
  4. Shang, W., Cordell, R., & Downie, J. S. (2023). Book Size, Book Format: Historical Relationship in the HathiTrust Digital Library Metadata (1500–1799). In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2023) (pp. 279–281).
  5. Shang, W. & Underwood, T. (2022). Genre Classification in English Poetry with Lexical and Prosodic Features. In The Book of Abstracts of Digital Humanities Conference 2022 (DH 2022) (pp. 567–569).
  6. Shang, W. & Chen, S. (2022). Structural Balance in the Historical Political Networks of China. In The Book of Abstracts of Digital Humanities Conference 2022 (DH 2022) (pp. 569–571).
  7. Shang, W., Jett, J., & Downie, J. S. (2021). Exploring Metadata Quality Issues in Non-English Corpora: Preliminary Assessments of HathiTrust Records of late imperial Chinese Books. In Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH 2021) (pp. 88–92).
  8. Shang, W. & Underwood, T. (2021). Improving Measures of Text Reuse in English Poetry: A TF–IDF Based Method. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference (iConference 2021) (pp. 469–477).
  9. Sharma, A., Hu, Y., Wu, P., Shang, W., Singhal, S., & Underwood, T. (2020). The Rise and Fall of Genre Differentiation in English-Language Fiction. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Humanities Research (CHR 2020) (pp. 97–114).
  10. Lavin, M. J., Chang, K., Hu, Y., Shang, W., Sharma, A., Singhal, S., Underwood, T., Witte, J., Wu, P., Sinykin, D., Walsh, M., & Antoniak, M. (2020). Cultural Analytics and the Book Review: Models, Methods, and Corpora. In The Book of Abstracts of Digital Humanities Conference 2020 (DH 2020) (pp. 525–526).
  11. Shang, W., Zhang, J., & Huang, W. (2019). Modelling Poetic Similarity: A Comparative Study of W. B. Yeats and the English Romantic Poets. In The Book of Abstracts of Digital Humanities Conference 2019 (DH 2019).
  12. Shang, W. (2018). A Comparison of the Historical Entries in Wikipedia and Baidu Baike. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference (iConference 2018) (pp. 74–80).